PAVAS -TSD Launch Mode

At the commencement of a TSD stage there are a lot of points for the driver and navigator to focus on. The start of the stage, which is time critical, can be indicated in many way. The first two are to press the Select button or Reliability Switch. The later is useful because it can be mounted on the gear stick which is easily reached by the driver. The third way is called Launch Mode. After the stage has been selected, PAVAS is waiting for a start signal. If the Up button is pressed PAVAS enters Launch Mode. The system now just waits for the first wheel pulse to occur which then starts the stage. The driver and navigator are not burdened any other tasks at this time and can concentrate on the first waypoint.

Sometime things go wrong and the vehicle may move after Launch Mode is selected. In this case the start signal would be false. To allow for quick recovery, PAVAS opens up an Abort Time window which is active for 500 meters. During this time PAVAS displays AAA in the top line. If an Up or Down button is pressed at this time, PAVAS reverts to the mode where it searches for a start indication. The Launch Mode is canceled. If desired, Launch Mode,can be reengaged by press the Up Button again and the stage can be restarted.

Once the Launch Mode Abort window has expired , the Up and Down buttons are used for the TSD Reverse function. The last three character locations will display the up and down arrow sequence indicating that the speed should be increased or decreased.