PAVAS Calibrate Wheel Direct
This menu is used to calibrate the wheel by measuring the distance of one rotation. This technique can be performed in a limited space without driving the vehicle. The display shows the Wheel Pulse Distance (WPD) and if the vehicle is in motion, the uncalibrated speed. In the PAVAS system, the wheel bolt passing a magnetic sensor generates a pulse which is fed to PAVAS. This measurement technique takes into account the “bag radius” of the tyre. Put in another way, it allows for the deflection in the tyre as it absorbs the vehicle weight.
The WPD can be edited using the cursor editing techniques.
To derive an accurate measurement, the vehicle tyre position should be marked and then moved by exactly one tyre rotation. The distance can be measured and then divided by the number wheel bolts passing by the magnetic sensor. This distance should then be entered. Press Select to save the value.
This technique is simple can can be performed after a stage to account for tyre wear. A set square can be used to make sure the rotation distance is accurate.
Depending the procedures used, Wheel Direct calibration results tend to be more accurate than GPS based comparison measurements.