PAVAS Demonstration Time Speed Distance (TSD)

This menu is entered from the Demonstrate Time Speed Distance (TSD )for selected stage menu. The TSD menu uses a Null Guidance Technique ((c) JCI 2018). This method uses low and high frequency tones to guide the driver to the desired average speed. To familiarize the driver with the frequencies used for the under speed low and over speed high speed tones, they are played for two seconds at the start of the menu. This can be bypassed by pressing any key.

The next part of the menu is to select a stage. PAVAS can stored the parameters for up to 64 stages and it remembers the last stage selected and returns to that stage. The stage number is edited in the standard way of using the Up/Down buttons and the Left/Right buttons to select the digit. Once the stage number is set, the operator presses the Select button.

PAVAS now displays the stage number and a Manual prompt on the top line and a rotating display on the second line. The rotating display change every two seconds and shows the TSD Stage Speed, TSD stage distance, TSD stage time and finally the prompt to press Select to start. In the demonstration mode, the left and right buttons cannot be used to change the display because they are dedicated to set the simulated speed.

An alternative to starting the stage by manually pressing the Select button, is the Launch mode. This is designed to be engaged when the vehicle has reached the start line for the event. The Launch mode is activated by pressing the Up button. As soon as the vehicle moves, the stage data is commenced. In the case of a false start, the stage can be aborted in the first 500 meters by pressing to the Up/Down buttons. During this time, AAA is displayed in the upper row. The procedure is further discussed in the TSD Launch Mode page

Once the stage has started, Null Guidance tones commence and the top line of the displays shows the actual speed and prompt arrows. The second line is a rotating display that shows TSD Stage Distance, the Average Speed to date, the Stage Distance remaining and the Stage Time Remaining.

To aid the navigator, three arrows are displayed in the top row with the current speed. Up arrows indicates the speed should be increased. Down arrows indicate the speed should be decreased. At large diversions from the designated average speed up to three arrows are displayed. As the diversion decreases, less arrows are displayed. In the case of overspeed the minimum number of arrows is one. In the case of under-speed the display will move from one arrow to three small rectangles. This indicates that the average speed in in the dead zone. Note this display is not for the driver but is to be used by the navigator.

The PAVAS Reversing mode is disabled in the Demonstration mode because they are dedicated to set the simulated speed control. Reversing is described in PAVAS TSD Reversing

The TSD stage ends when the stage distance is exceeded. It can be ended by pressing the Select button twice.